I feel that knowing a company, not only entitles knowing their products and services, but also knowing their owner. So here are a few things about me, owner of Our Memories in Motion.
While owning Our Memories in Motion, I am also a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA/L) I work in an outpatient hand clinic treating injuries of the elbow, forearm, wrist and fingers. I have done so for over 20 years now (my how time flies!). Being a COTA has helped me hone my customer service skills since I am working with people all day. It has also helped me become a great problem solver and multi-tasker as I face many rehab challenges throughout my work day.

I am also proud father of 2 very active boys. I was told many years ago that having a child is the best thing in the world and that is definitely true. My sons have taught me many things. I can't wait to show them the ropes one day and see them become a business owners themselves.